Armenian Unicode fonts
Those are the fonts that obey the Unicode standard and contain the characters included in the Armenian Unicode subrange.
Usually contain both Armenian and English characters. There is number of fonts featuring simultaneously characters of dozens of languages. The "Arial Unicode MS" font contains the character sets for almost all of the spoken languages.
The most convenient font for reading from the screen and the best designed one is Sylfaen.
Fonts list:
Aramian Unicode, Arial AMU, Arial Unicode, Arial Unicode MS, ArmNet Helvetica, Caslon Roman, Chrysanthi Unicode, CN-Arial, Code2000, Courier Unicode, Everson Mono Unicode, Fixedsys Excelsior, Free Monospaced, Free Sans, Hindsight Unicode, Roman Unicode, Sylfaen, Times Armenian Unicode, Times LatArm Unicode, Times Unicode, TITUS Cyberbit Basic